Hi kids!
I think that money alone does not make you happy, you need other things as well; such as a loving family, good friends, a job or a career that you like and health. I mean, you need a balanced life to be happy. But, of course, money usually makes your life better.
As people say "Money does not bring you happiness, but it helps" hehehe

I wouldn't like to be a millionaire, I just want to have enough money to cover my basic needs, to have a comfortable life and to help people that are in need.
If I were a millionaire , I would invest my money in property, stocks and business. I would travel A LOT, I would set up a foundation for people in need and I would keep on working and studying.
I wouldn't be extravagant or go away for months at a time in my billion dollar yacht (unless I had one! lol)
Now It's your turn:
Do you think that a lot of money really makes you happy?
Would you like to be a millionaire? Why/ Why not?
Imagine your life as a millionaire. Describe it here!
36 comentarios:
Teacher..how are you?
well, my descriptionof my life as millionarieis this:
Hi,I`m Ramiro.I`m a millionarie and I don`t work.I live in Paris,France.But,I have a hiuse in Miami for weekend,amother in Hawaii for when I bored, one in Mendoza..for the mountains,and one here in Corrientes.
My favorite hobbie is collect cars,I have 3 Mercedez Benz,5 BMW and 6 or 7 Ferraris..I dont remember.
On my house in Paris I have a cinema,a gym and the biggest swimming pooli the world.
I don`t work,I have money because I won last year $20.000.000 dollars in the lottery.I have a lot of money for my life..
I definitely wouldn't like to be a milionaire.. because I think if you have a lot of money, your whole life is about spending it.. you start to give much more importance than necessary to hollow things, you feel like living in a bubble, and you just forget what real life is made of....
I believe it's better to have enough money to live well (without needs), and share with your people...
Maria Carbajal
Hi teacher this is my life as a millonaire.
If i were a millonaire i would have a big house with a lot of stairs, becouse y love te stairs and a very big statue in the center of the living room. I woul have a lot of clothes off all colors.
I would have a bowling stadium and i would play everyday, in my opinion it is very funny.
I would like be rich but i think thatyou lose a lot by having both.
I think taht my day would be like this:
I got up at ten o`clock, i would have a breakfast. I watch tv or play computer games to have lunch, after to have lunch i would go to play hockey with my friends in my own stadium.
I play bowling in the afternoon and then, in the nigt i have dinner with my family or i eating out.
I woul have for houses: one in las vegas, other in paris and England, and the best in Miami , Where i would live. I would go to my house in las vegas the all weekends becouse i like it, but i think taht miami is the best place to live.
hi teacher, mi description of my life is this:
I´m Martín,I´m millionary, I have 11 cars, 7 motors bikes, 2 trucks, 22 tv, 4 houses, 11 computers and 6 ipod touch. My dad is a football player and my mum is a lawyer. in all my houses I have houses in swimming pools. I have houses in USA,Argentina and England.
hi teacher, mi description of my life is this:
I´m Martín,I´m millionary, I have 11 cars, 7 motors bikes, 2 trucks, 22 tv, 4 houses, 11 computers and 6 ipod touch. My dad is a football player and my mum is a lawyer. in all my houses I have houses in swimming pools. I have houses in USA,Argentina and England.
hi teacher i`am doing the homework:
- i think taht the money make you unhappy. But it helps.
- i would`t like be a millionarie becouse i`am okey and i don`t need anymore.
teacher this is my comentary, i don`t remember to put my name
Macarena Brisco
Hi teacher, this is my homework
1) I think that money alone doesn't make you happy, but it help and usually makes your life better.
2) I would like to be a millionaire, because I would like comfortably; but I wouldn't like to be a millionaire, because I wouldn't know whether people are my real friends or they just stay with me because of my money.
3) Hello my name is Macarena; I'm a millionaire and my life is very exciting and beautiful.
My house is very big with 6 bedrooms. They are like a flat. And 4 bathrooms in the rest of the house.
Then in another part of the house, I have a big room for parties to collect money for charity and for my family's birthdays.
Outside I have a garden with, a lot of games and space to eat; but it is only open on Saturdays.
Every day, I get up at 8 a.m., I take a bath and then my masseur comes at 10 p.m., because before that I have breakfast. After that I play hockey with my millionaire friends.
In the evening we take a relaxing bath with oranges scent and roses petals. One hour later we go to eat to a restaurant of millionaire people, and we stay there till 6 p.m., because at that time the most extraordinary clothes designers come to my house with there last designs. After selecting the dresses, I put one of them on and go to a friend party or to my own.
If I'm a millionaire I will buy clothes and go to the hairdresser every days, I will have a mini cooper, I will help other people, I will go out with my friends, I will travel a lot around the world and I will have a big house with a lot of tecnology
Today is monday and i woke up at 7am because i had english and music.Then at 9am i went to Oxford, because i study there.
i have a lot of friends, one of them is the sun of the president of Argentina.
Mi mother is cameron Diaz and mi father is Jhonny Deep, they are actors so i dont see they all the time. And mi brother is jesee mcarney Deep, i'm not very happy because all the girls said to me ''please, please , kiss your brother for me , or, please you can give me an autograph of your brother y LOVEEE he.
And mi sister is Hiraly duff Deep, she is so popular and beautiful , and me, i'am a simple girl , somebody who had a very rich family i'am Avril lavign Deep.
My house is very big , it has a swimmingpool , a shopping and a cinema.
I`m Martin, I´m millionary, I have 11 cars, 22 TV, 4 house, 11 computers, 6 ipod touch. My dad is a footbal player and my mum is a lawyer. In all my houses I have swimming pools. I have houses in USA, Argentina and England.
Hello teacher, I'm Damian Capuya and this is my life as a millonare;
If I were a millionare, I would have evrithing I want. Like huge house near the Ocean, and a Casino in the United States. I would have every car, i want like Mercedes Benz and BMW. I would very happy with all of these
Hi teacher!..
This is mi homework!:P
Hi, i'm summer and i millonarie, i have a Mercedes Bennez and i live in a big, beatiful mansion with a big garden and swimmingg pool. there i have only room for mi clothes and i have 12 dogs because i love that!..
Hello, im matias my dad is Bill
Gates. Im so rich, my dad is millionary. Ihave 6 cars, 2 are ferraris and in my house I have 7 computer with 7 plasma TV . In 2006
my family healthy the poor asociation
with 10.000.000 millions dollars. All my 20 pars of shoes are Nike, and I have a profecional swiming pool. I have 10 house around the wolrd and I travel to all the world, my dad give to me all what i need
Hello teacher I'm Damian Capuya,
I think that a lot of money dont't make you happy.
Yes, I would like to be a millionaire and no, because with the money I have material things, but with money, for example, I have friends because of my money.
Hello, Im Matias My dad is Bill Gates, Im so rich, my dad is millionaire, I have 6 cars, 2 are Ferraris and my house I have 7 computers with 7 plasma TV. In 2006 my family helps the poor association with 10.000.000 millions dollars. All my 20 pairs of shoes are nike and I have a proffessional swimming pool. I have 10 houses around the world and I
travel around the world, my dad gives to me all that I need
Hi Miss
This is my homework!
the descripcion of my rihc life is this:
Hellow! My name is Shakira. I am a famous singer. I dance and sings very well. My best friends is Madonna. I love the music. The music is muy life.
My boyfriend is Rubeda. I am rich and life in Hollywood. I have the enormus house and I have 20 cars.
I am very very happy!
hi teacher, i am victoria aun.
i live in holliwood, i am very famous in the world because i am a singer. i have cars and many of houses in the world. i love my life because i have everything i wont. i help other people because i wont the world to be happier. i love the celphones because i have company. i am very happy.
1) I think that a lot of money doesn`t make me happy but it help.
2)I would'n like to be a millionaire because if I have a lot of money I don't have real friends.
3) If I am a millionaire I will buy clothes and go to the hairdresser every days, I will have a mini cooper, I will help other people, I will go out with my friends, I will travel a lot around the world and I will have a big house with a lot of technology
no, i think the money help you in the life, but if you have a lot of many you have bad moments. the love and if you have persons who like you ,that are happy moment. i love have a lot of friends.
1)_ I think a lot of don't make you happy only help but doesn't more.
2)_ I would'n like to be millonarie because i think the person only be my friends for the money.
3)_ Hi, im Summer and i'm a millonarie, i have a Mercedes Benz and i live in a big, beatiful mansion with a big garden and swimming pool. I have only room for mi clothes and i have 12 dogs because i love th dogs!..:D
HI,I'm Ramiro.I'm a millionare and I don't work.I ive in Paris, France.I have a house in Miami for the weekend, another in Hawaiifor when I'm bored,one in Mendoza,Argentina for the mountains and one here in Corrientes.My favourite hobbie is collecting cars,I have 3 Mercedez Benz,5 BMW and 6 or 7 Ferraris,I don't remember.On my house in Paris I have a cinema and a gym.I don't work,I have money becase I won $20.000.000 last year in the lottery.I have money for my life.
hi,im daniel osnaghi.Im a millionaire person from corrientes.I have 3 houses in london, 5 in corrientes, 2 in paris and one country in las vegas.I have 3 collections of cars, 2 of boats and 5 of motor bikes.
In my house of london i have 2 dogs of more espensive.
when im going to the bath i use dollars as toilet paper and when im bored i send money for people.
well this is my life
hi teacher, how are you?, y spect that fine, well this are mi answers.
the money doesn´t make me happy
but, it realy helps.
I will like to be millionary, because y will have a lots of things.
i like to be a millionaire because i love travel around the world and for that i need a lot of many. nowaday in the world everything is money. if i am a millionaire i need have friends.
If i were a millonare i would have a big house with a lot of stairs, becouse y love te stairs and a very big statue in the center of the living room. I woul have a lot of clothes in all colors.
I would have a bowling alley and i would play everyday, in my opinion it is very funny. I think that i also have to go to school.
I would like to be rich but i think that you lose a lot by having both: money and thecnology things.
I think that my day would be like this:
I get up when i don`t want to sleep anymore, i would have a breakfast. I watch tv or play computer games to have lunch, after to having lunch i would go to play hocky with my friends in my own stadium.
I play bowling in the afternoon and then, at nigt i have dinner with my family or i eat out.
I would have four houses: one in las vegas, other in paris and England, and the best in Miami , Where i would live. I would go to my house in las vegas every weekends becouse i like it, but i think taht miami is the best place to live.
hello I´m a millonarie. Well I have much money and I´m an active shopper. I love my clothes. I have 120 dresses_ 89 jeans and 100 shirts. But I give my money to poor peoplr and charity center.
I live in a Mansion in Miami, mi father gives me a car because I didn´t like the car before. My mobile phone to cost 1 million and my boots cost 10 millon, I love the boots.
My family is crazy. My father John Lenon has two wives and my mam died. My best friend brithey Spears has two babies and me I have a baby of my family I´m Paris Hilton.
Gisel Ramos (yiyi)
I am i millonaire i have 100.000 millions dollars. My girdfriend's is name is Carla and is beatifull. On weekends i travel arroun the world, last year i went to the rugby championship. I have 31 house but the best is in California i love that beacause it has a big swimming pool and a jacuzzi.
My best friend is David Beckan a famous football player and his girdfriend is hilary duff.
I had a collect of card but the most xpensive is a roll rois
hello teacher im pascual this is may homewok of millonary.
Hi im a wealthy person.Im so rich that y have a house in every country I´ve recently owned a new lamborgini collection with five cars this moment i´m living in af ghanistan but I prefer my summer house in hawai where i practice surfing my house keeper has her own mercedes benz for shopping.I´m my london house i have my own little roo where i have my cheetah collection.My favorite food is sushi and y travel to japan avery time that i wont to eat hit.
I would like to know something about you.Bye
I`m a millomare, i have a car`s collection, i have 13 BMW and 7 Mercedes Beanz.
My Dad is famous and my mum is a actress. Well i have to go to London NOW IN THS MOMENT!!!!
See you teacher.
Do you think that a lot of money really makes you happy?
I think the money make the people happy, but only for a momment, then the people start borring and the life is not funny, because i will had all taht i need
Would you like to be a millionaire? Why/ Why not?
I like to be a millionaire to buy alot of things, but then my life will start to make me borring
Do you think a lot of money really makes you happy?
- No the lot of money i not meke happy.
Would you like to be a millonaire? Why/Why not?
-No, because you not have to walk to the street for example because you have a posibility to get stolen.
oh nais post:)
z & herny
I think that the money doesn`t make the people happy... but it helps a lot...
If i were millonare i would help a lot of people and my jewish community, i would buy a house to my mum, to my father, en one for me. Then i would invest in business...
Jonyy... of 6B
I think money doesn't make you totally happy but it helps you a lot, so i really want to be a millionaire cos in that way i could have all the things that now i cant have.
if i were millionaire i would have a LOT of fashionable clothes and makeup.
my house would be enormous and very pretty :)
thats all
kisses Ryan
here im passing, because the teacher said me.
see you soon. kisses
Flor Bendersky =)
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